Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My limited knowledge on body, mind, soul and spirit

Therapist was suggesting to work on my crunched soul and spirit and build a defense system to guard from further harm. He further stressed that I might need to go back to primary school kind of routine to build up all form of discipline started with simplicity. eg. morning wake up, brush teeth, take breakfast, read paper, go to school, lunch, ECA, dinner, study, sleep. To put it simply, it is just to build up a simple routine and abide to it for a while in order to nurture the growth of soul and spirit. Not till the party was over yesterday that I finally understood what the therapist meant by building a simple routine as a foundation to grow soul and spirit.

The real environment is just too harsh for a crunched soul and spirit. The soul and spirit, without a proper defense system guarding it, is vulnerable to be hurt again and again. This is because one will be rather weak in discipline to manage oneself to react to the reality. I went through the entire process vividly in yesterday party. My ignited inner energy got diluted after some incidences happened. I saw my defense system at work trying to shield it from further harm, but the external force was a bit overwhelming that my feeling was still pretty much been affected.

I always recognized only body and mind in my practice. I would exercise and watch my diet to maintain my physical health and fitness. I would practise meditation, reading, music, etc to build a stronger mind. I always included soul and spirit in the same class as mind. So naturally, I thought my routine to keep mindfulness would take care of soul and spirit. Not until my experience with hypnosis that I realized the dimension of soul and spirit was much more profound than what I had expected.

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