Saturday, February 7, 2009

Please Beware of ME

"Mel's has got a new bf!"

Everyone has been telling me this after I re-connected with the old group. Ri joked that we have to be more cautious when speaking to Mel from now.

"Mind your word and grammar please."

We expect this will be a common statement from Mel as his bf is an English teacher. So we suppose Mel's English will be much improved and he will be more cautious in the language.

"But, I sort of worry they may have communication problem."

Ray showed concern in this freshly baked relationship. I can understand his concern because of the considerable differences in both background. Well, love is blind and love is powerful. We assume Mel will make an effort to improve himself.

haha... I guess this is a typical behavior in the circle when we come to know about any new relationship. We just have to gossip and bitch about it.

I was overwhelmed by my curiosity about this new person as Mel's has quite similar type as mine. I called Mel one day and demanded him to show his new found love. We decided to go jogging in the east coast park one evening.

Well, he is also my type as expected. A cute, cheerful and eloquent boy. We talked quite a bit that night. We went dinner after the jog. We were talking and joking all along, mostly between the two of us. Mel and the other friend were the good listeners.

Before we parted in the car park, Mel was in rather high spirit as he felt his love one had enjoyed the night much. And, he threw this to me :

"Wow, they seem to like your company, we can meet more often from now."

Instantly, I had an OS flashing in my mind :

"No, I don't think I want to meet often, I certainly don't want to be a third party again!!"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pandara Box is sealed and buried again

I have decided to de-activate my facebook account again. Thereafter, I wrote Loy the following SMS:

Don't scold me. De-activated facebook. It is the begin of our everything. I realize I still can't manage and have to close it again to return to peaceful mind.

Loy's reply :

Sign.. ok lor. If this works for you.

This afternoon Loy called me during lunch and inquired about the de-activation again. I was in a meeting and couldn't talk to him. I later texted him the following :

From your questioning, I guess you still can't feel my pain for SH... which is also understandable. He's only irresistible to me.

I met Chris for dinner and shopping after work. Again he mentioned SH when we were at the coffee bean chatting after shopping. I didn't know how to reply. Quickly I could only changed the topic.

With the facebook closed and the group returned to Shanghai, I think the pandara box should be sealed one more time and buried again.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pandara Box should be sealed forever

I had a good night sleep after the gathering, but I still woke up thinking of SH the first thing. Feeling rather uneasy, I finally talked to Loy about what was between SH and me. He knew about the existence of SH, but I didn't want to tell him before the gathering thinking I could handle myself. I guess he was a bit shocked to learn about the coincidences. I told him that the pandara box should have remained sealed and I should not have joined the gathering. He thought that it might be a good closure for both of us in such way. A year before and a year after with the same group of people.

SH texted about his opening of new food outlet. It was a while since I last received his SMS. I half anticipated something like this would come along the way. I texted back to congrat him and wish him success. Chris texted me to talk about SH, not knowing my relationship with him. He joked about SH been my type and said something strange that I couldn't even comprehend. He said he intentionally mentioned SH as he wanted to rub salt in the wound. I am sure he will scream if he knows the effect of his word. When we were at KTV later the night, Chris and the others kept mentioning SH to me. I fumbled of words to respond.

I actually didn't expect I would write so much about SH after re-opening this blog. I just feel like time has not moved a second now.