Sunday, February 15, 2009


I have the same feeling with Mew in this conversation in The Love of Siam :

+ Mew, how have you been?

- Not too bad.. I am happy with playing music

+ Don't you feel lonely staying alone?

- unbearable....

+ What do you mean by unbearable?

- When we were kids, loneliness was when you had no friend right? When we grow up, the level of loneliness is much more serious then when we were kids.

+ Why is it so serious?

- I don't know how to explain. It started from the summer when I was in grade 8.... after the death of my granny... It has not been easy, I miss my granny more and more with time passes.. I then have a question that long bothering me... Will we be able to take it on the day when we have to part with the person we love so much? And parting is an unavoidable part of our life.

- I believe you understand well too. Will it be possible that we love a person so much but we are not afraid of losing him? I am also thinking at the same time, will it be possible that we don't love anyone in our life? This is what I mean by loneliness..... Loneliness has been with me for the past five years... How can I not understand the painfulness of loneliness? And I really don't know what my life is from now?

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