Thursday, February 19, 2009


Have been learning pop piano for 4 - 5 months now.

Started my music journey rather late at Sec 3 on Organ. After I failed my grade 6 exam in JC 2, I hardly touched the instrument again due to busy schedule in the army and university. I bought a classical piano for myself on the day I received my first ever salary hoping to re-ignite my music interest. I haven't been successful in achieving anything in classical arena, for the simple reason of lack of strong motivation to overcome the difficulty of playing classic music.

I determined to make a last effort in music and decided to switch to pop piano late last year. I reasoned in this way. I need more than a year to master a piece of classic music, but I can play hundreds of song after I master a certain pattern for pop rhythm. I want to be able to play different songs whenever I lay my fingers on my piano rather than always stick to a song again and again.

Pattern learning has become more interesting now that I can manage more complex rhythm. Currently, we require to know how to identify a key for a song while listening to a song. It was really difficult and abstract as the instruction given was to rely on your sense. However, the practice becomes interesting after much efforts been put in to identify the key whenever I hear a song. The sense somehow has been developed. I can briefly identify "Do" in song now. This adds another layer of fun for my pop piano learning.

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